Bnei Brak is a magical place throughout the entire year, but there is a unique and special atmosphere, during the days leading up towards the Jewish month of ‘Elul’. This month is arguably the most holy of all the months in the Jewish calendar, with the festivals of Rosh HaShana (Jewish New Year), Yom Kippur (The day of anonement) & Succot (Festival of Tabernacles). It is during this time that the prayers for forgiveness, otherwise known as ’Selichot’ are held.
The liturgical poems and prayers are chanted and repeated by worshipers for it is believed; G-d is listening and forgiving us for our sins and misdemeanor from the past year. The Sephardic Jews begin the ‘Selichot’ prayers during the month of Elul, while Ashkenazi orthodox Jews begin their period of repentance from ‘Rosh Hashanah’ up to ‘Yom Kippur’. One can pray and sing the special ‘Selichot’ prayers at any time of the day, but it is believed to be most accepted and best timed to be said either at night or before the morning prayers.
For the past few years, we have created specially crafted guided tours, which have transformed the custom of Selichot into a wonderful get together in which believers experience Israel in a new mystical light. Here are a few recommendations for a special night walk through the city that will elevate your soul and introduce you to a side of Israel only few have experienced.
Additional Information:
Tour Duration: 2½-3 hours
The Selichot tour is situated in Bnei Brak
Meeting Point: Gan Varsha, Rabbi Akiva st. Bnei Brak
The tour will take place on the following dates:
7/9/23 20:30
12/9/23 20:30
13/9/23 20:30
14/9/23 20:30
18/9/23 20:30
19/9/23 20:30
20/9/23 20:30
21/9/23 20:30
23/9/23 20:30
Photos by: Yam Artzi